The Haunted House

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Win Hill in Castleton

As is customary at the moment, we went out for another walk yesterday with Neil and Caroline. This time we went back to Castleton, where Me and Amanda went for our wedding anniversary.

Last time we walked up Mam Tor, but this time we decided to do another hill. Win Hill in fact. We got to Neil and Carolines house for 8am, and after a fleeting visit to Tesco we drove to Castleton.

By about 9.30 we were all kitted up and set off on the walk. Thankfully the weather was really good today. It has been very cold and wet the past week, so we was lucky today.

The walk took us through a lot of fields to start with and then onto the base of the hill. Getting up Win hill was very steep and quite tiring, but the view was worth it when we reached the top. The walk we was following from the AA book takes you up the hill and then straight back down again.

We didn't really like the sound of this. Instead we walked along the ridge at the top of the hill for a couple of miles and then back down further on. After a while we reached a village called Hope, where we rejoined the route from the book.

The whole walk was just over 10 miles according to the gps unit. Not bad :-) We certainly felt knackered afterwards. Once we had got back to the car and got changed we went to a cafe for some much deserved cake and coffee as we were all starving.

All in all the walk took us just over 5.5 hours to complete. Once back in Belper Me and Amanda went to the shop to get stuff for dinner, and a few beers. Once I had made dinner we just flaked out in front of the TV.

We watched a DVD that Amanda rented from a new online video club. It was a documentary called 'An Inconvenient Truth', which was by the previous US president candidate Al Gore. It is all about the impact on humans on the environment. It was quite interesting.

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